Western Journalism

Barack Obama Has Nothing To Hide See For Yourself!

Don't Hate Obama

I just want to make it crystal clear: I don't hate Obama. I hate what he represents and promotes. I pray Yahweh God grant him repentance. He is operating, (whether he knows it or not), in the spirit of anti-Christ. He promotes and pushes for evil things in our government. Things that are contrary to the Word of God, the Bible. He lies and it is received as truth. He has fooled millions of people with his rhetoric. Millions of professing Christians voted for this man. They voted for him even though his ideals, concepts, words, associations, and actions are antithetical to the scriptures.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, " If you love me, you will keep my commandments." John 14:5. Why do some Christians treat the bible like it is a buffet? Like they can pick and choose which passages they like or don't? Like there is an option to keeping His Word and then still call themselves "Believers."

The Lord Jesus Christ expects us to have His Words "abide" in us. John 8:31. If you are truly a follower of The Lord Jesus Christ, then you must follow Him and His Words and not the words of others, unless those words are The Words and Teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as expressed in the scriptures.

For example: Abortion. A word used by the devil's children to deceive us into thinking the killing of unborn children is not murder.

There are those that argue that life begins at conception, they are wrong. According to the scriptures life begins when Yahweh God sees you, or proclaims you are to be. (Read the scriptures about the prophecies of Issac being born, or John the Baptist, and The Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh.) Yahweh God told us many years before hand in some cases of children that were to be born. Therefore; Life begins when Yahweh God sees you. Since we are mere mortals and cannot see into the future except Yahweh God reveal it, life begins when he says it does.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, "Thou shalt do no murder." Matthew 19:18. A reference to the law of Yahweh God and the Ten Commandments. Deuteronomy 5:17. Yet, professing believers voted for Obama knowing he was in direct opposition to The Commandments of The Lord Jesus Christ on this issue; yet they say "Jesus is their God."

This blog is an endeavor to expose the glaring contrast between Obama (and the teachings of all false doctrine) and The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is painfully obvious to me that too many "Christians" name the Name of Christ but deny His teachings in their daily lives, like voting for Obama and supporting his agenda, which is the agenda of the New World Order, and the establishment of the anti-Christ, one world government system as prophesied in The Bible, over several thousand of years ago.

Barack Obama and a Parallel of Evil found in the Bible

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fracking is Genocide


Monday, April 14, 2014

Congress Is To Blame

My political rant for the day: Congress is to blame for everything wrong in this this country. They are the law makers. They can act to make sure that constitution is followed. They haven't. They are the problem. Every tax imposed on we the people thru the IRS, every federal bureau alphabet government department that only serves to make our lives more difficult, social defects in the system, border insecurity, gun confiscations, forced unaffordable health care, inequities in federal laws, tax loopholes for the very rich and corporations, C.P.S.'s illegal child kidnapping, government financial aid to illegal aliens, fees and taxes on everything from the gas we put in our car to the electricity we use everyday, congress has the power to regulate, investigate, hold hearings, issue subpenas, impeach the president, repeal bad laws, issue our own currency, reign in the evil banking cartels,  and protect the public trust. There are 1001 other things they could do to benefit and help we the people but congress deliberately and willfully violate the people's constitution and their alleged oath's to the peoples constitution and their oaths of office daily. I do not look to anyone in this government for leadership, integrity, morality, or to be defenders and protectors of the public trust or the common good of we the people. If you want someone to blame, we the people must first recognize our failure for abdicating our responsibility to keep those corrupt devils on a short leash, and second, BLAME CONGRESS!

Is President Obama's unilateral action legal?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Obama's press secretary decorates home with Soviet propaganda


Obama Revives Birth Certificate Controversy


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nancy Pelosi: Number of Newly Insured Under Obamacare Irrelevant


Obama Raises Taxes On Working Americans!
